Home » PROVINCIALES » Renunció a su trabajo y terminó con su novio para viajar por el mundo junto a su perro

Renunció a su trabajo y terminó con su novio para viajar por el mundo junto a su perro


Se trata de Sydney Ferbrache, una joven tiene 24 años y es oriunda de la ciudad de Indianapolis, Estados Unidos.


La historia de esta joven se volvió viral, en las redes sociales, en tan solo se supo cómo se había decidido cambiar su vida. Se trata de Sydney Ferbrache, de 24 años, oriunda de la ciudad de Indianápolis, Estados Unidos. Siempre había tenido la idea de viajar por el mundo sin tener obligaciones, sin embargo, por una u otra razón, nunca se había animado. Hasta que un día tomó coraje y decidió cambiar su rutina para siempre.



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Unpopular opinions that no one will agree with: I have no idea how people truly love Joshua Tree. I love nature but I think it’s the most boring national park on the planet. If you’ve seen a picture of Joshua Tree, you’ve been there. – I never sleep with a pillow and I don’t even know how everyone does it. Anytime I fall asleep with a pillow, I wake up with the worst pain in my neck. I sleep with my head directly on the mattress. – Google maps is infuriating. I literally cannot, will not use that shit to find my destination. Send me locations on apple maps or just give me the coordinates. – White wine is gross. All of it and every kind. I convince myself otherwise constantly and try new ones, but I never like it. Red wine flowing through my veins forever and always. – There is no such thing as too many dogs. I thought differently in the past but now that I’m around 12 every day, I firmly believe that the limit does not exist. – Living in a van isn’t cool or interesting. Once you’re doing it, it’s just your life. You wake up, do the same thing in different places, and go to bed. I love it with all my heart but it’s so “normal” now that I don’t realize anything is weird until people are staring at me when I open the sliding door. – Anyone else? 😂 Also, catch up on this week’s podcast all about loneliness and how I cope with it on the road. ❤ Would love to know what you think about this one.

Una publicación compartida por Sydney Ferbrache (@divineontheroad) el

Renunció a su trabajó para viajar por el mundo junto a su perro

Sydney le propuso a su novio renunciar a sus trabajos y sumergirse en la aventura de recorrer diferentes lugares del planeta. El joven no lo dudó y aceptó su plan. Compraron una camioneta y se adentraron por la ruta sin rumbo concreto.


Así  salieron a la carretera en septiembre de 2017, pero la joven de 24 años pronto se dio cuenta de que su pareja no era “la indicada”. No se ponían de acuerdo en su trayecto y eso acabó por cansarlos a ambos. En ese momento, la chica decidió que era hora de seguir por otro camino y dejó que su ex se quedara con la camioneta.



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I never thought of myself as a mom. The word “maternal” was simply a foreign feeling that only described other women in my life. I never dreamed of kids running around or the perfect home for a family. I have an older sister who dreamed of those things so I just dreamed of them for her. I envisioned her with this big, beautiful wedding and me just living life on my own. Both made me happy because I like being alone and she likes being surrounded by those she loves… But then this girl came into my picture, and everything changed. I feel maternal with her. I feel protective and I feel the intense love mothers have always described. She’s a part of me. She’s at the core of every decision, every thought. I never thought of myself as a mom but damn does it feel good to be one. Who knew we could have it all. – This week’s podcast on @mysoloroad is out and all about our babies. Traveling with Ella, logistics of being on the road with her, and the impact it’s had. We also have our first guest, @theasherhouse to give his perspective on traveling with 9 dogs in an RV! ❤

Una publicación compartida por Sydney Ferbrache (@divineontheroad) el

Durante ese período, trabajó en diferentes lugares para ahorrar dinero y emprender un nuevo viaje, esta vez, sin compañía. Se compró un nuevo auto y lo remodeló como si fuera una casa rodante. No obstante, Sydney sentía que le faltaba algo para completar su travesía. Adoptó una cachorra Golden Retriever, llamada Ella y la llevó con ella para que pudieran viajar juntas. Ahora sí ya estaba lista para recorrer el mundo.


La joven comenzó su aventura a principios de este año y desde entonces ha viajado a 20 estados diferentes, incluidos Montana, Utah, Arizona, California y Oregón, así como Quebec en Canadá. Ella financia sus viajes a través de publicidad y marketing en su sitio web y redes sociales. Además, Sydney comparte sus relatos a través de un podcast y en su página de Instagram, Divine On The Road.



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When I was growing up, close friends and family always made fun of my dirty feet. I would run bare foot through the neighborhood to my friends’ houses and play outside for hours once I got there. My hair was always tangled and my nails were always darkened from the dirt underneath. Makeup was foreign and products didn’t exist. Appearance was a concept I didn’t even consider. But then I got to high school and everything changed. I started getting embarrassed by their judgement. I started wearing makeup because I became convinced I was ugly without it. I spent money on fake nails so people would stop calling me a “tom boy”. I ruined my hair with bleach to be as blonde as possible… I think maybe I’m so happy now because I feel more like a kid than I have in years. I run barefoot with my dogs and they never care about my dirty feet. I wash my hair when I wash my hair and no one is here to tell me to brush it. I do yoga mid hike and walk away with the same darkened nails I had back then. Self care looks different for us all and mine has nothing to do with what I look like anymore. I take care of myself now in ways that matter to me. Your child self was likely right all along. Judgement from others always fades and does nothing but confuse you about who you really are. And maybe next time you jokingly poke fun at a friend’s appearance, think about how it could impact them. Never be the person to change someone else. Try running barefoot beside them instead or just step out the way while they do. – New podcast episode all about hygiene on the road is out now. I talk all things shower, toilet, laundry, and taking care of *yourself*. Search “My Solo Road” wherever you get your podcasts.

Una publicación compartida por Sydney Ferbrache (@divineontheroad) el

Fuente: Radio Mitre

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